Christmas marketing, what is it?

The year flew by and, almost without realizing it, we are in the weeks leading up to Christmas and the New Year. As usual, in businesses the need arises to implement Christmas marketing actions to take advantage of this time of year. 

It is usually the time of the year in which the sales of products and services increase significantly. Buying gifts, decorating the house, end-of-year gatherings with friends and families, buying clothes; These are some of the activities that we all do in this period. 

For this reason, from The Stillman Factory (TSF) we teach you strategies to know how to reach current and potential customers through marketing actions. We share three strategies to apply in your business. 

  • Prepare your online store: Internet sales are increasing day by day, so it is very important that your company or business has its online channel ready to receive visitors. The most important thing is to keep your catalogs and contact information up to date. 
  • Prepare content for social networks: Show on your company's social networks the main offers and promotions you have for the holidays. We recommend that you pay attention to all the queries that come in, from messages to comments. Everything can be turned into a sale! 
  • Harness the power of video: From the Reels on Instagram to a TikTok video, it will allow you to generate content both to inform and to seek inspiration on new products. You could take advantage of the video to publicize your Christmas offers. 

December is excellent for Christmas promotions that include special offers and discounts. It is the ideal time to be close to your client, to provide a solution to their demand. 

It is the ideal time for us to activate our networks and motivate our customers. It's time to be memorable. How do some brands achieve this? They create campaigns that delight customers, arouse emotions, and promote unity and participation. 

And now... ¿ya sabés qué contenido vas a generar para estas fiestas?