What is Blue Monday?

blue monday

The "Blue Monday" better known as Blue Monday is a commercial celebration, which takes place on the third Monday of January. This year the event takes place on January 16. 

According to Cliff Arnal, a researcher at Cardiff University, it is "the most depressing day on the calendar" due to the accumulation of post-Christmas debts, the low motivation to start a new year, the long time left to receive the January salary and the pressure to meet New Year's resolutions.  

Cliff developed a mathematical formula in which, apparently on that day, the worst general conditions of the entire year occur, we accumulate more sadness, pessimism and uncertainty for various reasons.  

Why the Blue? According to color psychology, the day is associated with blue, being a color that denotes passivity, sadness, pessimism or apathy. 

What does it take for a marketing campaign to be successful on Blue Monday?

The main thing is that the brand is capable of generating a connection with the feelings and experiences of consumers. In this regard, Laura Aguirre, president of TSF, affirms that "the most intelligent brands will always break the mold and go against the current: they make 'the saddest day' the opposite for their customers." To achieve this, it is recommended to send motivational, funny or positive content, as well as offers and rewards. There is nothing better to lift your spirits, and encourage purchase, than a pleasant surprise 

We leave you 5 strategies To take advantage of this day with a good digital marketing campaign: 

1. Launch sweepstakes or contests: Through a landing page or the social networks of your brand you can celebrate this day, holding a raffle. With this, your notoriety and your engagement increase, since a happy community is a faithful community

2. Have a presence on social networks: Take advantage of this day to participate in the conversation that is generated in your brand's networks. Strive to create valuable content that people are interested in, and join the hashtags and trends of the day to give visibility to your brand. It is important to adapt to the medium and the public to whom you want to dedicate your message.

3. Offer free shipping: Whether it is for a minimum value or for all purchases, without a doubt, offering the option of free shipping on Blue Monday is a great idea that will benefit your business and boost your brand presence.

4. Discounts, discounts, discounts: Everyone is happy that, after the Christmas period and the entrance of the “January Slope”, there are discounts in their favorite stores. Take advantage of this day to launch a special offer or a promotional code that allows you to increase sales.

5. Build a motivational and fun Content Marketing campaign: The strategy to create content can start a few days before, and bombard your customers with a lot of information on Monday through social networks, blogs and websites. The tip here is to make fun and positive content, to contrast with the sadness of Monday and make the day more bearable. 


Your brand can be part of the success stories of this phenomenon called Blue Monday and start this new year with a firm step. Do you still have doubts about which strategy to apply? Activate your #ModeTSF and you will see the difference.

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